Sunday, October 18, 2009

Well, hello there, hospital!

[tunes]: None. Watching House on TV.

Since my last post, things took a turn for the not-so-fun. (Don't worry, my cousin and the baby are fine. I'm talking about me.) It actually started the day of that post. I had taken the pain killer and thought it would be enough, but that night it came back so badly that my parents eventually drove down to pick me up. I'm at home now, and while the pain is still there a little, it's much better, especially after my visit to the ER. I swear, I've seen the ER so often lately I could navigate it with my eyes closed. (Okay, maybe not, but I've been there, too much.)

I'm so out of it at the moment. The pain meds make me drowsy and I'm already really tired from the past couple of days of crap sleep.

Well, I don't want to start rambling, which is what I'll most likely do if I continue to go on. Missing classes tomorrow and Tuesday is when I'm seeing Celtic Thunder in Pittsburgh. I'll have plenty to write about then and I'll hopefully be a little more present and coherent to write about it.

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