[tunes]: none, currently, although I've been listening to Paul Byrom's "If I Could Cry" a lot today...
Today was my first day back at school since my parents came to get me when I was in super pain. I'm mostly better, although I am extremely worn out, which I attribute to the epic amounts of drugs I've been perscribed. I had my second Pysch exam today, and, for hardly studying at all, I think I did pretty darn well. I know I guessed on a few, but most of them I knew the answer to. How I could remember everything with being all drugged up, I don't really know, but, thankfully, I did. I also have my audition for the Music Department to get in the Music-Performance major tomorrow. I have to work on my music so much tonight. My suitemate might hate me, but I think she's crazy anyways, so I don't really care. But that's not what I wanted to talk about.
Last night, I saw CELTIC THUNDER IN CONCERT!!1! This was my first time seeing them live and I've been pretty excited for it. I banned myself from listening to them for an entire month so it would feel extra new. I still caught myself mouthing along the words to some of the songs, though. Oops! I went with my parents, partially because I'm a poor college student with no money and no car to get there, partially because none of my friends really listen to them and would have wanted to go, and partially because I knew my parents would enjoy it. They did, especially my mom.
Before the concert started, my mom, dad, and I were sitting in our seats (4th row, the three seats on the far right of the orchestra section, quite good!) and we were going through the program my dad bought. He had it first, then I skimmed through it real quick before handing it to my mom. Not sure if that was the best idea. First thing she asked me was "Who do you think is the most handsome?" Being diplomatic, and not about to give my mom something to embarrass me over, I said all of them, which they all are, so it's not like I was lying. Anyways, she starts reading through the write-ups on all the guys. Then she stops on the one of a certain Swanky Tenor and says, "I think HE'S the cutest!" I should also add that it didn't go unnoticed by her that all but one of the guys weren't married, and she made it into a very "nudge-nudge-wink-wink" moment. Now you can begin to see why I was not about to tell my mom who I thought was the most handsome...
Then, the show started. (My mom was disappointed that she didn't get to read through all the guys write-ups yet, but it's not like there were going to halt the show to let her finish it or anything, so she got over it. lol.) I don't even know where to begin! They were all amazinggg!!! I'd make a list of every song they sang, but that would take forever, and I left the program with my parentals, so I'd probably forget some anyways. Remember, I was drugged up last night, too! Instead, I think I'll talk about my favorites from each of the guys.
Group Songs:
Which to choose first? Caledonia, by default, was a favorite of mine, but I think that has a lot to do with the fact that they're wearing their kilts, which they enjoy doing sharp turns in. ;) Hey, I'm a 20 year old woman, of course I'm going to enjoy that! It was their encore of the night and they were just enjoying themselves with this number. Paul was teasingly showing off his legs, like usual, although that unfortunately happened on the other side of the stage...darn. Paul and Keith were trying to flip up Damian's kilt most of the time, and Keith even did a bell hop kick whatever it's called as they were exiting the stage the last time.
Take Me Home and Steal Away are also favorites of mine, and Raggle Taggle Gypsy is always fun, but of all the group numbers, the one that really stuck with me was Danny Boy. I'm a sucker for a cappella, and they do it beautifully. They had my mother in tears with that one, since it reminds her of her dad who passed away when I was fairly little. I was nearly in tears, too. Fantastic job.
Keith Harkin:
It's so hard to choose, because I enjoy all of his songs! (Although I still have problems taking "I Wanna Know What Love Is" seriously as a song for reasons completely unrelated to Celtic Thunder. He does it very well, though.) While I was a little sad that they replaced "The Island," since it's one of my favorites, I really, really liked "Homes of Donegal" and think he does a fantastic job on the song. "Lauren and I" was also another favorite that night, as it usually is. I just find it amazing that he wrote it himself! (I wish I could write songs, but I have not discovered that talent in myself yet. Bummer.)
Damian McGinty:
Damian, Damian, Damian. It's always really weird for me to watch Damian onstage because everytime I see him perform, I am reminded of my friend, Chris, who is about the same age as him, looks really similar, and performs the same way he does. No joke. It's like they were separated at birth or something. When Damian does his snaps during "Happy Birthday Sweet 16" I'm thinking "Chris! What are you doing on stage?!" My mom even agrees with me, having seen some of the shows we've been in together. But, that aside, Damian did a wonderful job, despite the fact that something made him laugh right in the middle of "Sweet 16." He looked like he was having a lot of fun up there, especially with "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do," and I have always been a fan of "A Bird Without Wings." (George does a good job with the back-up vocals as well. Such a touching song.)
Ryan Kelly:
The Dark Destroyer rocked it last night with "Heartbreaker"! You could tell he was having so much fun with that song and I was having fun right along with him. He does a really good job with those evil character type songs, and I'm glad he enjoys singing them. He had the girls in the crowd going wild! (And rightfully so!) My most favorite song of his, though, has to be "Desperado." He does a great job of connecting with the piece. (Actually, the web address for this site uses some of the lyrics from that song.) I guess part of the reason I like this song especially is because I sort of identify with the character's dilema. But enough about me.
Paul Byrom:
As soon as he finished singing "Love Thee Dearest," (a song I thoroughly enjoy blasting in my beat-up Heep in downtown Erie,) my mom leaned over to me and whispered, "He has the best voice!" Needless to say, you can guess who my mom's favorite in the group is. I find it impossibly hard to choose a favorite guy in the group, since my number one changes constantly, but I would have to agree with my mom in saying Paul Byrom does, indeed, have the best voice. (Not that the other's don't have good voices--they all have wondeful voices!) I think it just has to do with the fact that I also have a more classical sounding voice, so I tend to lean towards that type of voice. Anyways... "She" has been my most favorite Paul song since I first heard the group, but when I heard "Because We Believe" for the first time last night, it may have been bumped down a peg. A-MAZING!! It makes me really wish I wasn't a poor college student and had money so I could get the CD now! (Being poor SUCKS.) He also did a wonderful job with "You Raise Me Up." I've been a Groban fan for many years now, but that was always my least favorite of all his stuff. Paul makes me like that song so much more than I used to. I also loved when Paul asked one of the people sitting in the pit section for the time while Ryan was singing his part in "That's A Woman." Always a joker, that one...
George Donaldson:
I left George for last because he completely amazed me last night. First, there was "500 Miles" which was SO. MUCH. FUN! He usually sings the older, somber, mature, stuff and I loved seeing him have fun with this song. His enthusiasm was infectious, and it took all that I had not to sing the entire song right along with him! (This is another song I have trouble taking seriously due to a hilarious a cappella arrangement a group does on YouTube. But I degress...) I was right there echoing the "da-da-da-da"s when he pointed at the audience, though. I also loved his acting in "A Bird Without Wings" alongside Damian, which I mentioned earlier. Of all his songs last night, though, "The Old Man" was my favorite of his, and, quite possibly, the whole show, which really surprised me. This one had my mom in tears as well, her having been reminded of her dad earlier in the show with "Danny Boy." His performance of this song was just so touching.
Well, I've probably rambled on long enough, and I'm not sure how much of this makes sense to anyone, but I did my best. These drugs are really not my friends. Well, they make me not in pain, but other than that... Not friends. I just wish I could go see Celtic Thunder perform again instead of go practice for my audition tomorrow. I am just waiting for that moment when I walk in the room and completely forget all my words and epic fail and not get in the program. Which would suck. Because I still haven't figured out any sort of back-up idea for what I want to do with my life. Halp?
pee.ess: Here's the link to that a cappella group singing "500 Miles" I mentioned earlier. So funny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMWjlQZkecw
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