[tunes]: The click-clacking of keys on a keyboard.
Right now, I am sitting at one of the library computers debating on whether or not to go to the gym. While I know I should go, since it is healthy and good for me, I have this strong dislike of going to strange new places by myself. I guess this is mostly because I hate to look really stupid. I mean, I wouldn't mind it if I had a friend with me because, at least, I wouldn't look stupid alone, but I really don't like going someplace where I don't know what I'm doing. I have issues, apparently. Makes me wonder from time to time if I would ever need a therapist, but that's a really scary new place where I would most certainly look stupid, so you know that's never going to happen. Not that I actually need one.
For the past few days, I've had grilled cheese almost every day. This might seem kind of monotonous, but I'm quite thrilled by the whole concept, at least for now. On Tuesday, I even managed to have it twice in one day, although I didn't plan to. I had the delicious sandwich for lunch with my typical salad, intending on having something completely different for dinner, but I got invited over to my cousin's for dinner before we went to the Indiana County Fair, (which was a lot of fun,) and guess what I had there! GRILLED CHEESE!!1! Not going to lie, I was STOKED. IUP even goes one step beyond your typical grilled cheese from time to time and serves things like grilled ham and cheese or grilled turkey and swiss. I suppose I'll get tired of grilled cheese soon enough, but, for the time being, I am enjoying the variety of grilled cheese sandwiches in all their cheesy goodness. Om nom nom.
Well, my brain just shut itself off, so I can't think of anything else to say. (Well, I could, but it would come out as a bunch of mumble jumble and make no sense at all.) I think this may be my cue to scoot over to the Co-op Store and buy myself a lanyard for my ID. Even if I don't go to the gym today, I'll need that lanyard for the gym eventually. To quote Dexter from Sarah Dessen's This Lullaby: "Huffah!"
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