Thursday, September 17, 2009

Crazy dreams...

[tunes]: Not Alone - A Very Potter Musical

There's not too much to talk about as far as the day has gone, but I had a really, really strange dream last night and I figured I'd share as much as I can remember.

It started out with me visiting my friend Sam at her work, (I have no idea where it really was because I know for a fact that it wasn't her actual place of employment. I've never even been at her work.) As I was about to leave with another friend Sarah who was there with us, I collapsed out of nowhere and completely blacked out. Next thing I know I've woken up in a hospital where I am told that some random heart problem I've known nothing about almost killed me. (It wasn't a heart attack. I think it was some sort of heart defect.) All I know is that when I woke up I was really confused. I actually think I may have even had one of those dreams within a dream thing where I dreamed that that happened and was afraid it would happen in my dream real life. Not really sure because I've forgotten much of the details.

While not quite as unnerving as the dream I had where all my teeth randomly fell out, I still woke up thinking "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I think it may have had to do with all the times I've randomly been in the hospital this summer. Maybe I am subconsiously fearing that something else will happen that will stick me in a hospital. Or I'm just falling apart.

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