Friday, January 7, 2011

Day Two.

The meaning behind your name:

When I was born, my parents didn't exactly agree on what they wanted to name me. My mom was campaigning for "Rachel" while my dad was pushing hard for "Anastasia." (As much as I love the name Anastasia, it wouldn't really go with my ridiculously long last name. Unfortunately.) Neither of them were budging. That's when my older brother, who was around three at the time, gave the name "Daniel." It was at that moment that I was named "Danielle" after my mom's grandfather. Or so I thought.

This is what I was told for many years. It wasn't until a few years ago that my mom let the real story slip while my family was out to dinner with my aunt and uncle and cousins. Apparently, the idea to name me "Danielle" was not my brother's idea. Instead, what happened was that my mom, knowing my dad wasn't budging and didn't want Rachel as my name either, quietly suggested the name to my brother, knowing that my dad might better accept the name if his son were to say it. It worked. It was at that moment that I was named "Danielle" after my mom's grandfather.

Danielle the feminine French version of the Hebrew name "Daniel" which means "God is my Judge." Oddly enough, I feel this kind of fits me. I've always stood by the thought that it's not my job to judge people, it's God's job. I don't know if a lot of things are right or wrong. Hell, I don't even know if God actually exists in any shape or form. So who am I to say that something is wrong? If you're an asshole, yeah, I'm going to judge you for that, because I'm pretty sure I know what makes an asshole. But when it comes to things that can't be proven by common knowledge, then it's not my place to judge. I don't know who'll go to "heaven" or "hell" so I don't have a right to condemn someone for things that I can't know for certain. Jesus didn't judge people. He accepted all kinds of people, so shouldn't I do the same? Shouldn't you do the same? Judge people for their actions and the way they treat others, not who they are. Why should I condemn someone for loving someone else? That just sounds stupid.

So yeah.

That's my name.

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