Sunday, October 3, 2010

Harboring an Illegal*

(*I realize that "illegal" is not politically correct. Know that I would not use it if I were talking about an actual undocumented immigrant.)

So, this weekend I've been harboring an illegal kitten in my room. The friends of mine who she belongs to were both out of town for the weekend and asked me to watch her while I was gone. Not being one to pass up a weekend with a cuddly, furry animal, I jumped at the chance. (Might have literally jumped in my seat. I was a little drunk at the time of the offer.) It's been an interesting experience.

Firstly, this is really my first time taking care of an animal ALL BY MYSELF. I have a dog at home, but I'm not the only person who lives in that house, so there's always someone there to help out if I'm busy or something. While this is my first time taking care of an animal all by myself, this is actually not the first time I've helped harbor an illegal animal. About a year and a half ago or so, I helped my friend Casey take care of a dog for a friend in her apartment. Let me tell you, taking care of Tipsy the kitten has been A LOT easier. Tipsy doesn't get poop all over herself for one thing, and she's significantly quieter. Secondly, this is pretty much my first time really taking care of a cat. I've always been a dog person, (my dad hates cats,) and most cats I know seem to not be a big fan of me. We had a cat in my house for a month once while my cousin was in basic training, but I didn't do much on the taking care of part and she hated my dogs. (Omar loved her, however, regardless of how many times she swatted him with her claws.) I've never really been a cat person. Until now.

I love this kitty. She is the most adorable thing I've ever seen. If it weren't illegal to keep her here, I don't know if my friends would ever get their cat back. Right now she's on my bed, which she's pretty much claimed as her sleeping quarters, cuddling up next to my stuffed dog. She loves that thing. She actually tries to nurse from it. (I've read online that it's a sign she was taken from her mother too soon, which is sad, (I blame the people who were giving her away,) but it's so adorable.) Even the fact that she seems to rather want to use the corner of my carpet as a litter box than her actual litter box doesn't bother me enough. (She's getting better, though.) I feel we have a very Mufasa/Simba relationship, since she's learning to pounce and she decided it was a good idea to jump all over me at 7am this morning wanting to get up when I clearly wanted to sleep longer. (Here's hoping I don't get killed in a wildebeest stampede anytime soon.)

I've always wanted a dog of my own and still do, but I really want a little kitty now, too. :D

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