Friday, October 8, 2010

I don't even think anyone reads this anymore.

Yes, it is 5:30am.

I am nearing the end of an all-nighter I pulled in order to finish a French project that's due tomorrow afternoon. I probably finished around 5 minutes ago and I'm at that stage of sleep deprivation where everything is heavy and slow. I've been marathoning an energy drink all night to stay awake. I should remind myself not to get the orange Amp next time. Much too jittery. I should really just stick with the purple one. If it weren't full of high-fructose corn syrup and other very not good things for you, I think it could cure cancer, that's how well it works for me.

As you can tell, I'm also in the random rambling stage of sleep deprivation, with a hint of "What the hell was I just thinking two seconds ago?" Tomorrow, or this morning, or whatever... At 9am. There. At 9am, I have a sight singing quiz. It's probably a good thing he drops the lowest grade because I can't imagine this quiz being particularly good.

I'd go to bed, but I have to be up in about 2 hours, and I don't foresee myself actually waking up to a full force hurricane with an earthquake added in, let alone my alarm, so no sleep it is. Tomorrow has the potential to be frighteningly interesting because of it.

Tomorrow is also the beginning of Homecoming weekend, which means everyone will be drinking, even though our campus is a "dry campus." I might be one of those people. I have yet to mix alcohol with sleep deprivation, so I'm not sure how that will pan out exactly.

I think I feel my body vehemently shouting "FUCK YOU I WANT TO GO TO SLEEP NOW!" Oh, body, how I wish I could.

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