Sunday, August 30, 2009

Every college student loves Free Food.

[tunes]: Vaccuum man vaccuuming. Yeahhh.

So, I figure I should probably start off this post by explaining exactly why I hear a vaccuum. That is because, as a poor college student who currently has no job and only 40 dollars to her name, I can't afford interwebs. Also, the crappy dorm I'm staying in isn't one of the technical school dorms, so I don't get the school internet there. So, yeah. I'm kind of bum out of luck until I get a job. Hopefully, that will be soon. Until then, don't expect particularly frequent updates, although I'll try my best to keep up.

A lot of yesterday consisted of applying for jobs, a task which I dubbed "The Great Job Hunt" in order to make it more entertaining for myself. I ended up hitting five different places, so, hopefully, I'll get a call from at least one of them. I'm hoping for Family Video, since the people there seemed like a lot of fun, but a job is a job at this point.

On my way back from the job hunt, a most amusing situation occured. As I was walking up the street back to my place, I heard someone calling from across the street. Assuming it they were trying to get someone else's attention, I ignored him and continued talking to my mom on the phone. He called a few more times, so I turned to see who it was and he waved at me. Being polite, I waved back, then he proceeded to shout, "I haven't seen you in ages!" I had never seen this guy before in my life. "I don't know you!" I yelled back across the street. His response: "You're not Jackie?" Laughing, I told him I wasn't. I must say, though, from far away, he looked rather cute. Maybe I'll see him around. I certainly wouldn't mind.

While yesterday was pretty laid back, aside from the Job Hunt, today I was all over the place. From church with my cousin, Erin, and her family to various campus meetings, I wasn't in my room for more than 20 minutes once my day started. On the plus side, all my meals were FREE, which, as a college student, is a huge bonus. There was Free Food at the "Welcome Back" picnic after church, ice cream at the Ice Cream Social/College of Fine Arts Informational Meeting I had no idea about, and even more Free Food after the Freshman Convocation. I was definately fed well today! I also got a four-leaf clover from Ryan and the kids that morning. Hopefully, they're as lucky as everyone says because I can always use some luck. I don't think I have my own! (I won a pair of tickets later in the day, so perhaps it is lucky!)

Another good thing about all that is that I actually got to meet some people! Erin introduced me to a lot of people at church and told me about choir practices on Thursday, which I am going to try real hard to remember to go to. I also met a girl named Chelsea and her roommate, Jenny, through the Informational meeting and the Freshman Convocation. They're both Fine Arts majors, so I hope to see them around.

Well, classes start tomorrow and it's getting late, so I think that's all for tonight. I am so not ready to start, but, hopefully, it won't be so bad. I just hope I don't get lost! That four-leaf clover might really come in handy...

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