Saturday, August 29, 2009

College: Take 2

[tunes]: P.S. I Love You Soundtrack

I never quite know how to start these things, (nor apparently how to keep them going since I generally abandon them after the first month or two, but I’m going to try to be better about that one…) I guess I should probably start by explaining what exactly this blog is going to be about, since you might want to have some idea of what you (and I) are getting into.
Right now, you’ve got a girl with rather smudgy glasses sitting at her computer in a half decorated, dingy dorm room who’s about to take her second stab at college, or first, if you could count those two years at AMDA college. This is real college. AMDA…not quite. Don’t get me wrong, though. As a music theatre conservatory of sorts, I learned a good deal at AMDA, and living in New York City for two years was definitely a great experience, but I wasn’t quite prepared to make the full leap of living on my own and supporting myself. I still think I have a lot of things to learn, which is why I’m doing the whole real college thing.

To make a long story short, this is going to be about my years at college. You’re going to be reading about all the things I’ll learn and experience while I’m here, and I don’t just mean in my classes. You’ll hear about the good times, the bad times, and all the crazy times in between. My joys and fears will be privy to you. (Sound a little crazy and intimidating? Good, because it does to me, too. It’s a little frightening thinking about it myself, but I’m going to try to put it all out there and not chicken out.)

This is the life of a 20 year old about to start college with 40 dollars to her name and no back pack. I don’t know how I’m going to do it either, but I think I may need to start with finding a job…

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