Friday, September 23, 2011



Someone around here is straight up creeping on this blog. Unless everyone who has been on here lately just happens to have an Android, which I highly doubt.

It wouldn't be so creepy if, whoever it was, didn't come here EVERY SINGLE DAY, despite me not having posted anything in at least a week, maybe more. I honestly don't keep up with how frequently I post.

But yeah.

Creepy creeper is creeping.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's hard...

It's hard to accept yourself when nobody around you seems to accept you.

It's hard to feel beautiful when no one else seems to think that you are.

It's hard to trust when no one around you feels trustworthy.

It's hard to be around people when no one seems to want to be around you.

It's hard to love yourself when no one around you seems to love you.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I have feelings, too.

I have feelings, too.

People seem to forget that. Whether it's because I put on a good show or because just they don't care, I don't know.

I have feelings and hopes and dreams. I have wants and needs, but they never happen for me.

I always get left behind. Left out. Forgotten.


And I'm afraid I always will be.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Changing places, changing life.

     This summer did not turn out the way I expected it to. Besides having a new dog in the house, nothing was as expected. By the end of the summer, I was working anywhere between 50-60 hours a week between two jobs and things were falling apart. Needless to say, by the end of summer, I couldn't wait to leave town. I wasn't necessarily ready to get back to college, but at least it was an escape.

     Now, here I am, and I am feeling happier than I have in quite some time. I feel more included than I have all summer and my friends are putting a smile on my face that has been missing for a while now. This isn't the happiest I've ever felt - not by a long shot - but I am already in a much better place than I was back home. Hopefully, things begin to look up because I don't want to be back where I was this summer and this past spring...