Friday, December 31, 2010

Drifting Away.

I'm losing my friends. Slowly, but surely, I'm losing my friends. And I don't really have any new ones. I've met many new people and made new acquaintances, but none of them are close enough to be friends.

My high school friends are moving on. They have their new friends, and I'm slowly being left alone. I fear the day I have no one left...

I fear it's coming soon and I don't know what to do.

But it's not like anyone's going to notice.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Can I get a redo?

I just want a button that I can press to restart everything. Forget everything and start anew.

I try to change things. I try to make things different, but, for every step forward I take, I feel like I take 20 steps back. I can't make a difference. I can't change things. I try to make new friends, but I never do. The friends I have I can't let myself connect to. I feel so alone and lost and I don't know how to fix it.

I can't connect. I can pretend to, and I must do a good enough job of it to fool people, because no one seems to notice it. It's funny that I'm not a great actor, but I can pretend so well in real life.

Maybe if I could forget everything, things would change. I wouldn't have the fears I have to hold me back. I wouldn't be so self-conscious. I wouldn't be so pathetic.

So, please, can I have a redo?